Lumikenkävaellus Hossassa
Lähde tutustumaan Hossan kansallispuiston upeisiin maisemiin lumikenkäillen! Tällä viikon mittaisella opastetulla vaelluksella liikumme vaihtelevassa maastossa Hossan metsissä, harjuilla, järvillä ja soilla. Viikon aikana ajoitumme eräkämpissä, joista osassa ei ole nykyajan mukavuuksia, mutta lämpöä ja hyvää tunnelmaa riittää jokaisessa paikassa. Päivittäin lumikenkäilemme noin 6 tuntia vaihtelevassa maastossa, missä on lukuisia lyhyitä ylä- ja alamäkiä. Aikaisempaa lumikenkäilykokemusta ei tarvita, mutta kohtuullinen fyysinen kunto on välttämätön. Tammi-maaliskuun takuulähdöt soveltuvat hyvin myös yksin matkustaville.
Hintaan sisältyy
- majoitus: 1., 2. 3. ja 6. päivänä 2–4 -hengen huoneissa, suihkut ja wc:t käytävällä, 4. ja 5. päivänä sähköttömissä eräkämpissä
- 6 x aamupala, 4 x retkilounas, 1 x lounas, 6 x päivällinen (saapumispäivänä iltapala, jos tulo myöhään), 5 x iltapäiväkahvi/tee ja välipala
- lumikenkäoppaan palvelut
- matkatavarakuljetukset majapaikkojen välillä
- lentokenttäkuljetukset
- 5 x iltasauna, 3 x avantouinti
- liinavaatteet ja kylpypyyhkeet
- makuupussi ja makuupussilakana (2 yötä)
Päivä 1 Saapuminen
Saapuminen Kuusamon lentoasemalle, josta bussikuljetus Hossaan. Majoittuminen Hossan kansallispuiston alueella sijaitsevalle Jatkonsalmen kämpälle kolmeksi ensimmäiseksi yöksi. Päivällinen ja infoa viikon ohjelmasta.
Päivä 2 Lounatkoski
Aloitamme aamulla lyhyellä opastuksella lumikenkäilyn tekniikkaan, jonka jälkeen lähdemme ensimmäiselle, Lounatkosken maisemiin suuntautuvalle päiväretkellemme. Vuolaana virtaava koski antoi aikoinaan vesivoimaa ja oli haastava paikka uittomiehille. Lounatkoskella on edelleen nähtävillä rakenteita uitosta ja viljan jauhamisesta. Kosken läheisyydessä nautitun retkilounaan jälkeen palaamme Jatkonsalmelle Jatkonvaaran rinteiden kautta. Aktiivisen päivän päätteeksi pääsemme lämmittelemään rantasaunaan ja halukkaat voivat virkistäytyä avannossa. Lumikenkäily 7 km / 6 h.
Päivä 3 Kalliomaalaukset
Tänään lumikenkäilemme esi-isiemme jalanjäljillä Värikalliolle ihmettelemään yli 4000 vuotta vanhoja kalliomaalauksia. Kalliosta on tunnistettu yli 60 erilaista kuviota ja ne kertovat aikalaistensa elämästä ja ajasta, jolloin henget ja luonnonvoimat olivat kaikkialla läsnä. Lounastauon vietämme kodassa nuotion ympärillä. Voileivät ja nokipannukahvit kyytipoikineen maistuvat ulkoilmassa luonnollisesti herkulliselta ja antavat energiaa iltapäivän paluumatkalle Jatkonsalmelle. Lumikenkäily 7 km / 6 h.
Päivä 4 Halki lumisten metsien, Jatkonsalmi – Huosiusjärvi/Iikoski
Tänään jätämme hetkeksi hyvästit Jatkonsalmen perusleirillemme ja suuntaamme kahdeksi yöksi syvemmälle kansallispuiston uumeniin. Hossan maisemaa hallitsevat mäntykankaat ja harjut sekä lukuisat järvet ja joet. Kuljemme ensin harjua pitkin Hossan kansallispuiston opastuskeskukselle, jossa nautimme lounaan ja voimme katsoa lyhyen animaation Hossan ja rajaseudun elämästä viimeisen 10 000 vuoden ajalta. Päivän päätteeksi majoitumme Huosiusjärven ja Iikosken kämpille, jotka sijaitsevat 200 metrin päässä toisistaan. Kaminan lämmössä ja kynttilän tunnelmallisessa valossa on mukava rupatella ja viettää iltaa uusien tuttavuuksien seurassa. Lumikenkäily 5 km / 5 h.
Päivä 5 Harjut ja järvet, Huosiusjärvi/Iikoski – Peurapirtti/Hirvastupa
Aamiaisen jälkeen jatkamme matkaamme Hossalle tyypillisessä maisemassa - havumetsässä kauniilla harjulla, jota ympäröivät molemmin puolin järvet. Näissä maisemissa sydäntalven viikkoina harvemmin törmää vastaantulijoihin. Majapaikkamme, kaksi kämppää, sijaitsevat Iso-Valkeinen -järven pohjoisrannalla. Majoittuminen ja muut kämppäaskareet sujuvat jo rutiinilla! Lumikenkäily 8 km / 7 h.
Päivä 6 Paluu perusleiriin, Peurapirtti/Hirvastupa – Jatkonsalmi
Viimeinen lumikenkäilypäivämme tuo meidät takaisin lähtöpisteeseen Jatkonsalmelle. Lounastauon vietämme Ala-Valkeisen autiotuvalla, josta on enää "kivenheitto" Jatkonsalmelle, jossa odottavat tutut kuviot - lämmin sauna avantoineen ja viimeinen yhteinen päivällinen. Lumikenkäily 7 km / 6 h.
Päivä 7 Kotimatka
Aamiainen ja kuljetus Kuusamoon.
Hyvä tietää
7 päivää / 6 yötä
1050 €
Lumikenkien vuokraus 40 €
Talvikenkien vuokraus 20 €
Takuulähdöillä ei minimihenkilömäärää, max. 12 hlöä.
- Päivittäin lumikenkäillään n. 6 tuntia, sisältäen tauot.
- Osallistujilta ei vaadita aiempaa lumikenkäilykokemusta, mutta kohtuullinen fyysinen kunto on välttämätön. Vaativuus vaihtelee lumiolosuhteiden mukaan – upottavassa lumessa etapit ovat raskaampia, kuin kovaksi tamppautuneella uralla.
- Matkatavarat kuljetetaan majapaikkojen välillä autolla, joten päiväretken kantamukseksi riittää pieni päiväreppu.
- 2 yötä majoitutaan sähköttömissä eräkämpissä
- Takuulähdöillä ryhmät ovat kansainvälisiä.
- Suuntaa antavan reittikartan näet täältä.
Yöt 1-3 ja 6: Jatkonsalmen kämpällä majoitutaan pääasiassa 2-3 -hengen huoneissa (kerrossängyt). Pariskunnille varataan oma kahden hengen huone. Wc:t ja suihkut käytävällä. Yhden hengen huoneita ei ole mahdollista varata.
Yöt 4-5: Eräkämpillä on käytettävissä pääasiassa makuusalityyppistä majoitusta (kerrossängyt) ja vain rajallisesti huoneita. Ulkowc ja sauna (ei suihkua). Eräkämpissä ei ole sähköjä ja ne lämmitetään puukamiinalla.
Hintaan sisältyy kuljetus Kuusamosta Hossaan sekä matkan päätteeksi takaisin Kuusamoon. Kullekin ryhmälle järjestetään yksi kuljetus suuntaansa. Tarkista aikataulut ennen lentojen varaamista. Omalla autolla on kätevintä tulla suoraan Hossaan.
Varausmaksu: Varauksen yhteydessä veloitetaan 15% varausmaksu.
Loppumaksu: Loppumaksu erääntyy 14 vrk ennen matkaa. Lasku loppumaksua varten lähetetään sähköpostilla varauksen jälkeen.
- Matkustajia suositellaan ottamaan matkavakuutus.
- Matka ei sovellu liikuntarajoitteisille.
- Pidätämme oikeuden ohjelmanmuutoksiin lumi- ja/tai sääolosuhteiden vuoksi.
- sään mukainen ulkoiluvaatetus
- rento vapaa-ajan vaatetus
- päiväreppu (n. 15-20 l)
- termospullo
- otsalamppu
- lumikengät
- lämpimät talvikengät
Kattava varustelista lähetetään varauksen jälkeen.
An excellent trip. More than exceeded expectations, which were already high. This trip should be on everybody’s bucket list.
A wonderful experience. Guides were helpful, easy to be with and obviously competent. Accommodations were great. The outdoor experience provided an opportunity to visit a winter wonderland. Don, USA
An amazing experience that lived up to (high) expectations. Sally, UK
Definitely a tour and an organisation to be recommended!
Hossa National Park is a rarified experience to be in a stunningly beautiful and pristine environment. The snowshoeing off track in deep snow offered such diversity each day with walks through pine forests, over frozen lakes and swamps, ascending and descending gentle slopes, running water in rivers, and spacial vistas. The quietude and silence of this place is a balm from the noise in our lives. The guides were attentive, patient and incredibly supportive of individual needs. They had expertise in all area of outdoor guiding, quickly making a wood burning fire indoors and outdoors – it’s an art for them. The guides have a deep connection to the environment and are knowledgable. In addition they impart the history and mythology and animistic practices. The accommodations are fun and comfortable. The food was hearty and delicious. An indelible experience through and through! Barb, USA
A fantastic trip with fantastic guiding. Accommodation was excellent, including the cabins used on the wilderness overnight stays away from the main base. Food was excellent and always more than enough. It may be cold outside, but always warm inside. Would not hesitate in recommending Upitrek to friends and would be very happy to repeat the experience or try another Upitrek trip. Many thanks! Richard and Rosemarie, UK
I think we had the best guide of the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern I don’t know! Erich, Austria
This was a fantastic experience. I have been to the Arctic and Lapland previously, normally dog sledding, but would certainly considered returning to the Hossa National Park for further snow shoeing with you, especially if Petri was our guide and mentor. Loved the background information with respect to the myths and legends that were provided.
This guided snowshoeing tour was one of the best things I have done in my life. The daily treks through snowy woods, the lunches each day around an open fire, the info and stories our guide shared with us, the saunas each night. These are things I will take with me and remember forever. The food was hearty and delicious. The cabins for clean and comfortable. Our guide was very knowledgeable. We learned about ”Sisu”, the spirit of not giving up. Jan, Ireland
This was my second time here, which is always a risk. But it was just as great as the first time. The location, the hospitality and the knowledge are first rate. It was a great hike, awesome scenery and a jump in the ice hole is a must. I can recommend this trip to anyone who likes outdoor life.
You can be cold and still enjoy yourself. Finnish sauna is a special experience, especially with a wood-burning stove in a wilderness cabin. Everyone should try sauna and ice swim! Hossa was beautiful and peaceful. It was wonderful to have the place to ourselves, felt like no one else was there. The cabins were terrific. Our guide as good company and so knowledgeable about Finland, its flora, fauna, culture and history. His humour and good nature made this trip very enjoyable & memorable. June, UK
This was my first winter snow holiday and my first time in Finland and in sauna! I could not have asked for a more enjoyable experience, thanks to the wonderful surroundings and the guide who inspired this novice to convert in Finnish nationality! Luke, UK
I didn’t really know what to expect as most of my experience has been of mountains and deserts and other spectacular places. I was worried I would find the forest less so. In fact, although different was the equal of the other places due to its’ intimacy and quietude. I would like to come back in a different season. Thanks to all. Steve, UK
It is difficult to resume in just few words, but I make it as short as I can. We had the best guides, brilliant weather, we saw Northern Lights on a frozen lake and they were amazing. Erika, Austria
Excellent experience. Unique combination of snowshoeing + sauna, comfort of luggage transfers + wilderness cabins. Thoroughly enjoyed the holiday! Thank you to all for making it a truly memorable holiday! Brigitte, UK
The landscape was breathtaking. Petri the guide an absolute hero. Great stories, incredible knowledge and great sense of humor. The simple life (chopping wood, making fire, preparing sauna, only candlelight, digging ice holes and washing with water heated by the sauna) was humbling.
The snowshoeing tour was an unforgettable experience: the cold, magical snow landscapes and a very professional guide! Ann, Belgium
Se volete silenzio, natura, tutte le sfumature del bianco e le mille gradazioni della luce, questo è il posto giusto. La sauna, il buon cibo e un sonno profondo sono il contorno perfetto!
Before coming on this trip I was very nervous, I was worried about travelling alone, about being with other people of different nationalities and whether I would be able to snowshoe. All of my fears were completely unfounded. The people were all wonderful plus our group leader Petri made us all feel like family. All abilities were catered for and it was a wonderful experience. All my hopes were fulfilled and exceeded. I have had the time of my life that I will never forget. Also Finnish food is fantastic! Kiitos paljon! Beccy, UK
Un magnifique voyage dans les paysages et la culture finlandaises. Un grand merci! Stephan, Belgium
On this trip we had an impressive experience of the rough taiga, the animals which live in it and how the life used to be for people without electricity and running water. Very nice, quiet and serene landscapes with dark nights and snow white days. Aleida, Netherlands
The tour is ideal for nature lovers who want to experience the beauty of Finland in winter. The combination of snowshoeing and sauna in the late afternoon make a great winter vacation. And of course not to forget the delicious food during the entire tour. Ulrike, Austria
This holiday exceeded our expectations. We walked over frozen lakes, through snowy forest whilst our excellent guide Markus showed us animal tracks and told us about the plants and trees. The outdoor lunches and fires, always in beautiful locations, were a highlight. We were even lucky enough to see the Aurora. I would recommend this holiday to anyone who wants some relaxed adventure as well as the opportunity to dip into an ice lake after sauna. Naomi and Reuben, UK
An excellent 5-day hiking trip. I really enjoyed the snowshoeing and the scenery. I had a very experienced guide who gave us a lot of interesting explanation about Finland, culture and nature. Thanks a lot! Male, The Netherlands
This trip to Finland has proved even more perfect than we had hoped. Our guide has been an important part of this, in showing us the beautiful aspects of his country, explaining facts about it, attributing each track to an animal… We also enjoyed saunas, the life in cabins without electricity nor running water, as well as the long walks in the snow of course. It’s going to be hard to leave. J.V., France
Thoroughly enjoyed the snowshoeing the scenery, Petri’s great leadership, knowledge and timeless efforts to make it an enjoyable and safe trip. James, UK
-> 2014
I enjoyed the pristine wilderness and complete silence. The guide was so cheerful, knowledgeable and thoughtful. A complete break. Female, UK
Absolutely fantastic, relaxing holiday; a unique experience that will live long in the memory – thank you guides! Feel I’ve learned a lot about the heart of Finnish life. Female, UK
The tour was well organized and great fun from start to finish. It was unbelievably cold but that just made the saunas even better. The scenery was stunning but unfortunately no Northern Lights. Our guide was excellent, very well organized, patient and knowledgeable. Norman, Wales
This was a most wonderful trip, the scenery and environment was just stunning. What made is perfect was our fantastic guide, he was incredibly knowledgeable and so much fun. Would recommend this trip to everyone! Jane, England
Pristine landscape and extraordinary views. Our guide Petri was extremely knowledgeable. Wonderful trip – highly recommended. Female, Australia
This experience allows people of all abilities and with different aspects of life to be able to share a true wilderness experience in safety whilst still feeling at the edge of your own capabilities. Male, UK
The whole trip was excellent – this is the first time I have done anything like this and would definitely do something similar again. The whole experience has been fantastic with a fantastic variety of things to do to learn more about Finland. Female, UK
We had an amazing week. The weather was great, nice and skilled tour guides and a recommendation for anyone who wants to experience Finland from a winter point of view. Loved it and made me want to go back to Finland another time for sure! Robert, The Netherlands
The snow shoe experience in Finland was something I had looked forward to for some time. The location and scenery is just stunning and the guides Tumppi and Ute made sure we were all looked after. The terrain at times is challenging but more than possible. Make sure to follow the advice as to clothing for the trip. This will ensure you make a fantastic experience. Andy, England
The walking was spectacular, the pace was good and level of challenge was comfortable. The scenery was fantastic and different every day. The lodges were very comfortable and the sauna quite an experience especially when by candlelight. The cold was quite a challenge but once you get moving it became an insignificant issue. Emma, UK
We had an excellent trip made possible by our very helpful guide. The accommodation and food were first class especially wilderness cabins – even though temperatures were -30C! PD, UK
Antoisa elämys. JK
We came on the trip having had only a couple of hours experience snow walking. Everything was very well organized. We did a lot but were never hurried. The scenery was amazing and it showed us another way of life. We would recommend this trip to anyone. TN, Wales